Bid Support
We’re here to support your bids, by helping you with:
- Bid planning, writing & coaching
- Bid reviewing
- Commercial reviews
We’re here to support your bids, by helping you with:
We provide a range of bid writing and coaching services required for success on all types of public sector bids from standard questionnaires to bespoke tender responses.
We also provide bid managers and embed them into your bid team.
Bid planning is a vital stage in helping you to produce a successful submission. We can help you to create efficient bid and pursuit capture plans in order to successfully plan, resource and implement your bids.
We use experienced bid writers who understand the public sector and know what is needed for successful bids. They work in the manner that is best for you from developing storyboards to revising and improving the content. Or running “hot housing” sessions with your SMEs to extract the critical information and then writing the submission.
The bid production process along and bid review process can be very stressful.
We work with you early on to design an appropriate and effective bid review process (for the size of deal and its value) to ensure qualitative and timely feedback such that the final submission has compelling sales messages, is fully compliant and (hopefully) meets the full evaluation criteria of the buyer.
Experienced and independent bid evaluation consultants help to ensure that the submission meets the ’top scores’ from the end-client published evaluation criteria.
We use Shipley ™ blue, black, pink, red, and gold approach to help govern and design the right review process and to ensure that the bid is reviewed and has the appropriate authorisations to client sign-off.
We often work jointly with senior management from our client organisations who are independent of the bid team to undertake both red and gold team reviews.
The Red Team review focusing primarily on the quality of the submission and ensuring that it is compliant with the buyer’s requirements.
The Gold Team review looks at the submission from the buyer’s perspective.
These objective Red and Gold review processes help ensure that the bid team answers fully the questions as posed, thus maximising any scoring based on the stated buyer evaluation criteria.
These objective Red and Gold review processes help ensure that the bid team answers fully the questions as posed, thus maximising any scoring based on the stated buyer evaluation criteria.
Having the right commercial team structure and processes is essential to enable bid/no bid decisions and then apply the right resources to ensure a bid decision leads to a winning bid.
Clearly, not all bids are won and win/loss analysis is essential for any company that wants to understand and improve their competitive position in the public sector market, and optimise their bid strategy to improve their solution offerings, service delivery model, pricing and teaming approach.
Occasionally the loss is strategic and requires Board level analysis of the reasons why.
The sales structure needs to reflect the your company size and ambition.
We use our experience of good practice to analyse recommend the appropriate governance, structure, size and business processes of your sales function.
We also help find the right people where there are missing people in the key roles in your team.
We help you introduce in a Win/Loss process to identify systematic failures and provide a feedback loop on bid success to enable alignment of your solutions, service delivery, pricing models and bid approach.
We undertake initial analysis of win/loss for a company including consultations with buyers.
When a strategic bid is lost the CEO and shareholders need to understand why.
We work for the CEO or Board post-deal to investigate the reasons why the bid was lost and to identify the strategic lessons that need to be addressed to avoid similar failings on future strategic bids.
This is a bespoke service drawing on our 75 plus years of experience across consultancy, SMEs and major corporates.